Monday, October 15, 2012

Episode Two: How to survive in the deep end

Episode Two: How to survive in the deep end.

Well, introductions out the way. After two weeks, i feel relatively settled - and so this next short post is a step by step guide of important things to do when dropped in a foreign country knowing a grand total of 0 people. I guess if many of you compiled a list of things to do at some point in life, living abroad could well be one of them - so who knows, it could come in useful one day:

1) Make friends - and quick! Its sort of like freshers week all over again. Go to parties, take classes (i've tried my hand a couple of times at salsa!), do whatever you can to meet people and quickly you'll settle on friends. If you don't, you'll go crazy! A quick shout out, then, to everyone whose made my transition so comfortable!

2)Get lost. (in your surroundings, obviously). I found that there's no better way to get to grips with the local area than to be scanning your map standing at an intersection and thinking how the hell did i get so far away from my flat! Chances are, you'll find lots of cool stuff around that google maps just doesn't show.

3) I suggest sorting out accommodation beforehand, eases the stress of arriving. But make sure you look around and don't get screwed over. OK, google maps might come in handy this time.

4) It might sound wierd, but you normally get a much better exchange rate IN the country you're going to - so I suggest only taking a small amount of money and (as long as your bank assure you there are no crazy ATM charges) taking out money in an airport cash machine. Here in Argentina you get a MUCH better rate if you bring currency and change it on the street (with dollars, for example, you get 40% more this way)

5) Immerse. It's easy to pick and choose the people you speak to as those who are fluent in the same language, but you really need to do what you came to do and learn! Oh, and you will probably make more mistakes than an Argentinian taking a driving test, but that's the best way to learn.

That's all for now. Next episode - Working in a foreign language.

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