Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Interlude 7: Strike

Today, I'm posting this blog from the office. However, the office is also...my living room. What?

Today is one of the apparently common national strikes. What I mean by that is national in every sense of the word -I've been informed that a couple of trains and buses are running, but on the whole everything stops. I don't even need to ask or research it, I can safely say that it is some sort of protest at a) low wages b) high inflation 3) insecurity 4) currency restrictions 5) high unemployment 6) corruption 7) probably the humidity 8) all of the above 9) get the point yet?

In London, I have lived through a couple of train strikes (which turned out to be ''limited service'' anyway) and a handful of postage strikes. I might be missing something, but thats about it. Imagine if the government in your country was so bad/inept that the vast majority of the public workers (their employees) decided to take the day off work and either stay at home or march into town (for the second time in 2 weeks) equiped with casserole dishes and wooden spoons (see previous protest article). Imagine the look of delight on Ed Miliband's face if it happened in London, would be one for the photo album.

You might think that people here in BA would get tired of all this protesting. Well, they don't. Next march - 2 weeks.


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